When Their Turn-Ons Are Your Turn-Offs!

photo (22)There’s something sexually explicit (and illicit!) going on with your mobile device! It’s called Kindu and it’s a Smartphone app with the above image being a screenshot from just one brilliant suggestion it gave me.

Kindu was my inspiration for a humor article I’ve just had published RIGHT HERE, but which is probably a tad too racy for my regular followers — so you’ll need to depart from my blog to read it. The website put it under the category “Getting Naughty” but I don’t know how naughty you can actually get when you still use vocabulary like “naughty.”

I hope you get some laughs and will leave me some comments at the risqué and edgy website called BLUNTmoms because it will greatly benefit me. Indeed next time around, I hope they’ll hire me to write a piece called, “How Toaster Ovens Can Help You Get Lucky, Even Without a Bagel in Sight!”

Meanwhile here are the easy directions for Kindu should you ever venture into installation territory.

Using Kindu is as simple as 1-2-3.

1) Rate the sexual idea as either “definitely”, “no thanks” or “maybe.”

2) Next, let your partner privately rate the same series of ideas on their own cellphone.

3) Kindu cross-matches your responses and lists ideas you both rated as “Definitely” or “Maybe” in a common category.

The beauty is if your partner gave a “no thanks” to something that you rated positively, they will never know. Therefore with Kindu, your SICK (I added that part!) secrets are safe. Kindu only reveals fantasies that both you and your partner agree on.


Have sex in my garage?!!  The Kindu authors must have known there's a cardboard Eiffel tower in there. (Don't ask why!) How romantic!

Have sex in my garage?!! The Kindu authors must have known there’s a cardboard Eiffel tower in there. (Don’t ask why!) How romantic!

Well, suffice it to say, “I can kinda do Kindu.”  But not without some funny side affects and consequences. Again, you can read about it all right HERE!

On a much cleaner topic than both the sexual post and my garage, (but still closely related to electronics and the online world) — please also join me on a terrific webzine called, “Mrs. Muffintop” as I delve into what goes through the mind of a computer Hacker as they peruse your personal and private email accounts! Just CLICK HERE. And comments there are most welcome as well!

And as always, thank you for supporting humor that occasionally goes sideways. Okay, alright, completely upside-down.

Naughtily yours,

Stephanie, AKA Little Miss Menopause

44 thoughts on “When Their Turn-Ons Are Your Turn-Offs!

  1. Hello Little Miss Pause (assuming you’ve not changed your pen-name). How are you and how’s everything going on? Does the name “ISpontein” or “Wise-N-Impulsive” ring any bells?


  2. Brought me to about 50 shades of laughter. There is something very familiar about that garage picture. You do like writing on the edge. That Kindu has suggestions from mildly racy to way out there. Very good article.


  3. I like it sideways! 😀 Haha, I thought this post was great. I have a friend who cooks hot dogs in the toaster. At the time I had never heard of such a thing, but yeah that conversation turned dirty real quick! XD


  4. If any hackers could please tell me what my mother’s maiden name was that would be gratefully appreciated. Not her ACTUAL maiden name, obviously, because The Cloud completely denied that. But whatever alternative cyberspace decided to come up with. Much appreciated, thanks.


  5. Do not people understand EVERYTHING in cyberspace stays there forever. Some poor child is going to hack their parents account and see – a lot of stuff they wished they didn’t. Sad.
    Oh, and what happened to good old talking about stuff, soon we will not actually speak to anyone (well, that happens now) it will all go through an app.


  6. Hmmm, I believe I may kindly leave Kindu to others. I’m not sure I want an app (and the evil geniuses who control it) to be privy to all of my (er, I mean my husband’s) proclivities. Heading over to check out your articles now! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for heading over there, Karen – – any comments/twitters/shares MUCH appreciated!! And you’re right about the “evil” geniuses who control it. There are suggestions on there that have to do with graveyards. I think NOT.

      Liked by 1 person

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