This Text Has Me Vexed And Perplexed!

photo-382A few weeks ago, I let you have a glimpse into the email box of a 50 year old woman – – Me!   It wasn’t pretty.  So I decided that revealing my texts from this past week couldn’t be any worse.  Disclaimer:  I deleted all my complex Sext Texts rejects to this guy, Rex (you should see him flex his Pecs!) so I wouldn’t lose your respects.

Forget Vexing & Perplexing!?  Where is My Sextng?!


1.  We’ll start with my 16 year old – – needs no further explanation.

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2.  My Ex-Husband is still trying to move on.  I once wrote a dating profile for him right here.




 3.  My 21 year-old son 

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4.  In the middle of all this, I had a thoroughly delightful conversation with my younger kid’s teacher.

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5.  And then my own mother. . . she’s 72.  Oh, and we’re Jewish.  Need I say more?

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6.  So of course I had to do the right thing.  Hmmph.

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7.  Naturally my “friend” Tiffany gave me lots of “empathy.”  You can read more about Tiffany HERE.

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8.   And the other 21 year-old son now.  (Yep, twins)

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9.   My own Mother once again texted (obviously recovered enough to get out and about) so I decided “if I can’t beat ’em, then I would join ’em!”

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10.  And I’ll close with another text between my teenage daughter (miraculously not about shopping) – –  I initiated it this time!

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So there you have it – – My Racy Text Life.  And how’s yours these days???