Do You Have “Blog Blur?” Find Out With This Quick & Easy Quiz!

photo-173BLOG BLUR – The insidious blurring of the lines between your Blogging life and the real world.

*Choose the answer that best describes how you feel about the question.

1. When You talk about individuals named,  “Inspire The World 2Day” and “Morning Grouch” and “MenoMama3” and “WeaverGrace” and “The Underground Writer” and “Bitter Ben” or “BumblePuppies,” do your family and friends assume you are referring to:

a)  New Muppet Characters that are making a debut on Sesame Street  this week  to teach kids about Feelings

b)  Some very troubled individuals in the new Twelve Step Anonymous program you recently attended

c)  Very real (and talented) Bloggers that you often have communications with

2.  A member of your household just lost their job.  A good friend of yours has recently started a steamy love affair.  Your child just got a C- on a History exam.  A second cousin (who’s a painter) has named her newborn child, “Hunter Green.”   All of these people have the following immediate gut instinct:

a) To call you for support, encouragement, understanding or applause.

b) To hide this news from you because they don’t want to upset, burden, or distract you with their daily lives.

c) To advise you that this latest information is copyrighted, trademarked, or patented and under no circumstances are you to blog about it!

3.  When you complain about having trouble with a dashboard, your significant other:

a) Makes an appointment with the Toyota dealer to have the warning lights and the speedometer looked at.

b) Reminds you that if you slow down and stop dashing thru your day, things wouldn’t be so boring.

c) Immediately logs into and says, “Well, here’s our problem right here.  You’re blogging too damn much!”

4. The Daily Prompt is:

a) A clever scenario that triggers the desire to write a blog

b) My body’s signal that I need chocolate

c) A note I leave on the dishwasher for other household members that says, “Empty Me Now!”

5.  If someone inquires about Stats:

a) You smile, bat your lashes, and tell them yours are, “36-23-36, of course.

b) You rattle off the number of TD’s, Interceptions, Fumbles and Passes Complete for the Denver Broncos and loudly assert that they should have won the Super Bowl.

c) Whip out a computerized print-out, a yellow highlighter, and show the person how many Views your blog is currently receiving from Egypt.

6. Someone asks you to please stop following them so closely, you:

a) Apply the brakes and remember that in driver’s training you learned it’s one car length per every 10 mph.

b) Remind them that it’s a free country and if you want to wear skinny jeans with a paisley plaid flannel shirt and a backwards baseball cap, you will.  They don’t have a monopoly on fashion!

c)  Immediately click the “Unfollow” button on your blog.  You’ll show them!  They were lucky you even gave them the time of day in the first place.

7.  When someone asks if you are happy with the new Post, you:

a)  Nod and offer to give them the name of your contractor that built the entire side fence around your house.

b)  Tell them, “Absolutely not, the price of stamps these days is outrageous.”

c) Launch into a diatribe about how many drafts it took you and how nobody even left a single Like or a Comment.

8.  Freshly Pressed is:

a) The long lost art of placing roses and other lovely flowers in between the pages of a scrapbook

b) Something your dry cleaner tries to skimp on with your dress shirts.

c) The number one item on your bucket list!

9. After you Tag, you:

a) Shout, “You’re it!” and then run like hell.

b) Remind yourself that labels and stereotypes are  never useful in society because we are all individuals

c) Hope and pray that every search engine in the world brings up your blog first

10.  If a houseguest remarks, “I sure think your Background is fun,” you:

a) Tell them that it would be nice if only the Italian genes on your mother’s side weren’t so strong-willed.

b)  Assume they’re being sarcastic and offer to change the music playing in your home to something classical.

c) Thank them, but then ask if they think it clashes with your header?  Does it send the right message?  If you pay them would they custom design a different one for you???

* SCORING: Mostly A’s – You’re able to compartmentalize and keep both aspects of your life in order.  Mostly B’s – Your Worlds Are Colliding just like George Costanza in Seinfeld.  Mostly C’s – You have Blog Blur so bad, even Extra Strength Windex won’t clear up the confusion for those around you.  GET SOME SEPARATION RIGHT NOW!  (Right after you leave me a comment!)

26 thoughts on “Do You Have “Blog Blur?” Find Out With This Quick & Easy Quiz!

  1. Pingback: Offer Creamed Spinach In Addition to Prime-Rib (Improving Your Blog Menu!) | Once Upon Your Prime

  2. Dear friend, well, I thought you were my friend, but you sabotaged me. I pride myself on being astraigt-C studen, and question #4 ruined my gpa.

    Apparently I’m going to have to go to my dashboard and change my name to something more uppity muppety, patent pending, and get you off my tailgating list. Hmmmm. Wonder what that’ll do to my stats. Welllll, I guess I’ll tag all my prompted posts with your name so you can get more comments about your background and have a better chance of being freshly pressed.

    Did I hear that you are starting a Blog Event for the humor-challenged?


    • Ha! I was wondering when you would find your name here. I hope that was okay? You are like the very first person who ever liked one of my posts when I first came on here in late Dec/early Jan, so I am sorry to tell you that means you ARE humor challenged if you think my odd quirkiness is funny. Just teasing of course. I am so glad our paths crossed!! And yes, I am comment starved (I didn’t get enough comments when I was a small child!) so please send anyone else who likes to leave “smart remarks” my way. lol


      • You? Comment starved? And when a small child? I never would have guessed that you, too, danced in front of the blank TV screen in preparation for worldwide fame, and hosted variety shows that were broadcasted on all the major networks, complete with impersonating the guests, during showers (in the bathtub, not rain).

        Me? Humor challenged? Because you bring back great memories of a couple of my very best friends? One actually did host a radio show,

        When you learn how to link words, you can link our names to our blogs to promote us 🙂 Then we’ll get pinged when you publish your post, and come running to see what you’re saying behind our backs 😉

        I’m glad our lives are twining together, too.


  3. So if I actually am a Muppet. that could make the lines a little hairy. This was so funny it blurred the lines. I like my post with butter and jam. However, I was not sure if this was a timed quiz or not, are you watching me? Question #9 made me think of the smell of spray paint.


  4. Once again, you made me howl with laughter. I guess I’m totally blurred beyond help. However, I do have to say that #4 – The Daily Prompt is “ALL OF THE ABOVE”. Especially the chocolate part.


  5. I feel like a celebrity! Blushing an ever so pleasing shade of pink.

    Did someone seriously tell you to stop following them so closely? Ya. Definitely stop following them. Wierdos.

    Truly, I wish I was inside your brain. I love how you see the world.


    • ohhh, I used to hate when there was an “all of the above” answer on my school tests. I would KNOW the answer was absolutely, definitely, without a doubt letter b. And then I would get to d) all the above – – and all the self-doubt would flood over me like syrup on a kid’s waffle.


  6. Oh, yeah, this is me. Everything is fodder. My email and letter writing takes on a new dimension – I’m no longer writing to my correspondent ONLY. Not sure that I’m too crazy about that, but there you are.

    On another note, you realize of course that I have grown accustomed to reading your fine humor DAILY. No pressure, though.


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