All That Glitters is Not Gold!

photo-56People despise me. Yesterday I went to my P.O. Box and opened  144 envelopes (addressed to “Little Miss Menopause”) and gasped to find them graced with gobs of glamorous, glinting Glitter. If this was heaven, it sure glistened. In fact, there were enough sparkles for me to make the centerpieces (pictured below) for a big bash I recently threw.  Now if only the rest of the hateful population (the ones I’ve rubbed the wrong way) would send me some sequins, some swatches of velvet and a few glue sticks, I’ll be able to make some “thank you for coming” party favors as well.  photo 2-4With enemies like this, who needs friends?

If you’re feeling a bit lost right about now–you haven’t paid enough attention to the Big News lately.  On Wednesday, a man started a company where (for $9.99) he will Ship Glitter (I made him the custom logo above!) to your Worst Enemies and . . . well you can just read about it here.  But please return to this post and see what I’m planning to send people in the mail.

Yes, messy craft supplies may put some of us in our place, but as a very clever blogger recently reminded me…

“The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword”


Therefore here are the letters I plan to write and send:

To My Publisher

“Thank you for submitting your recent rejection letter regarding my novel.  However, I am returning it to you for revisions. It’s just not what I’m looking for at this time. It contains cliches, lacks originality, and is entirely unsuitable for framing.  Therefore I reject your rejection letter. Best of luck in your future writing endeavors. ”

To My Creepy, Inappropriate Male Gynecologist:

“In light of your conduct during my recent Pap Smear Leer, I’ve spoken with your wife so she can schedule your upcoming “Lap Spear.”  You are long overdue.”

To My Female Tenant:

“You are not only Behind on Your Rent but it seems you Rent Your Behind!  Check today’s Craig’s list. ‘Your’ ad is prominently displayed.  Butt don’t be too bummed out about that – – I’m sending you some  ‘Good Luck Glitter’ to sprinkle on that newly backed venture of yours. You’ll be bedazzled  bedASSled.

To My Child’s 4th Grade Teacher:

“Do you remember the parent conference we had long ago, during which you stated my son would never amount to anything because a) getting him to do assignments was like pulling teeth and b) he was a Smart Mouth?  Well, to show we have no hurt feelings fillings, please visit him at his new dental practice. You know the drill.”

To The Beautician who suggested I dye my hair:

“Check the back of your car.  You have a new bumper sticker.  “Gray is the new Brunette!”  You’re welcome!”

To The Department of Motor Vehicles:

“It’s very flattering you read my blog, but I politely decline the license plate you “randomly” issued me… ‘PMS 247.’  Also because I no longer do dishes, you might appreciate my new license on my Mazda now. photo 1-7

To WordPress Bloggers Who Hate Me For Not Visiting Your Blog Lately:

I apologize.  But let’s trade Glitter for Twitter!  Follow me @MissMenopause

and I will follow you.  To the glitter bitter end.


Are you a book or movie lover?  See what I did to your favorite classic on The Huffington Post today. Click HERE.














51 thoughts on “All That Glitters is Not Gold!

  1. Although the Glitter, i know, is intended to cause the recipient angst… I think I might giggle were I to receive such a bundle… then again, the cleanup job afterwards could put me in a bad mood. 🙂


    • Absolutely! Maybe if all us writers started doing that, they would mellow out with their holier than thou attitudes. And we can use that “I reject your rejection” philosophy on so many other issues besides publishing! Thanks Joy!


  2. Excellent way send a retort and much cleaner than glitter. Very funny. Perhaps you could write a book of letters. How to respond to various situations such as neighbors who block your driveway or even sub in for an attorney now and then. I’ll be looking for that book “See How I Would Say That” but I know you would come up with a much better title.


  3. OMG. Where do you come up with these things? You are too much. Very very good letters……I’m sure we all have a few of these we’d like to write, but I think I’d like you to write mine for me!


  4. Like the license plate letter. My letter to the California DMV would have to have some waiting period. Like they receive an envelope they can’t open for four hours and then it pops open and asks them for information and if they don’t answer fast enough, it reseals itself and start over. Then it would stay sealed for a different length of time and does the same thing over again.


  5. I’m glad I could be of use in offering inspiration. As for the glitter, back in the day, I would put glitter all over myself and it was embedded in the floor boards of my apartment. But did I care…no!! Because glitter is never litter!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Would glitterizing your tenant’s backside be the new bedazzling? Love the letter to the 4th grade teacher…I think we all have a few of those we could address. Following you on Twitter, of course, because more you in my day is more laughter! 🙂


    • I’m glad we are connecting on Twitter, glitter or no glitter. Love the new bedazzled comment and as you can see, I will call it “bedASSled!” 😉 Thanks for the inspiration, as always. Email me your address so I can send you a little something.


  7. Loved the rejection of your publisher’s rejection letter! I’ve spotted you on my blog – sorry to disappoint but a big ‘thank you’ for visiting and for your silent encouragement. Means a lot to me! Have been helping extended family and friends but have decided to concentrate on myself for a change – new year, new me! Watch out for some work from www. My best to you Stephanie. 👏👍


    • I do check up on you, Miss Wendy. Missing you and want to encourage you to come back to blogging. Helping others is great but as they say, we’ve got to put our own oxygen masks on first. Oy, I sure do rely on that flight attendant saying a lot! Happy New Year to you and yours!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You’re good, and so funny. You find the humor in everything, a blessing for sure. If you indeed write book reviews for the Huffington Post, I’d love you to write one for me, re: The Moon To Play With.While humor is your strength, I know there’s a great deal more to, Little Miss! If you’re game, so am I.

    Liked by 1 person

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